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Improving the hiring process through data

If you’re a software engineer, data scientist or sales team looking for ways to create a more data-driven recruiting process, then we’ve got a little something for you. We’ll help you understand what data is, the different types of data—and how it can benefit your team.

Data-driven recruiting isn’t a fad, it’s a way of hiring that can help your business hire better and more efficiently. In this post, we’ll look at the trends behind data-driven recruiting and how you can benefit from them in your own business.

Anyone can use data-driven recruiting

It’s a great way to make sure that you’re using the right tools and getting great candidates. Data-driven recruiting allows you to go beyond using metrics for managing your recruiting process to also use them for strategic decisions. For example, what do your applicant flow numbers mean? Are you recruiting where it's most cost-effective? There are dozens of ways data can help you improve the way you manage candidates. If you're not already taking advantage of the data around your hiring process, make sure you read this blog post on how it can help.

Finding the right person for your company isn’t just about finding a smart problem-solver or an introspective thinker. It’s also about finding someone with the right skills, experience and taking on new challenges—all of which are rooted in data and hiring data in particular can help you determine this critical aspect of your workforce.

The best way to determine what data matters most

This is through hard conversations with hiring managers and senior leaders. Get a clear understanding of their needs and use this information to create a logical recruiting flow. Once you’ve identified your biggest pains and bottlenecks, it’s time to focus on creating a data-driven recruiting process that will be scalable, efficient and repeatable — no matter how big or small your company grows.

Hiring is a process that isn’t always easy to capture. Learn what data matters most to decide on your hiring process and make sure this data is used to track performance and ensure quality talent. This is a great way to get feedback about the hiring process. You can use this information to help your managers understand what should happen when they are evaluating candidates. By changing how you do things, you can create greater transparency, reduce waste and build a stronger business.

Make use of data to improve the recruitment process

A recruitment dashboard is a visual collection of data-driven metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and reports designed to tell you how your recruitment funnel is performing. This includes data on applicants, hires, campaigns, and budget. In recruitment, you're always looking for ways to increase the quality of candidates and reduce costs, so using data to make small adjustments to your hiring funnel is key. Recruiting is an ongoing process that starts with analyzing data, then using it to improve future hiring. By applying predictive analytics to your recruitment pipeline, you can save time, money and improve the candidate experience.

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